Friday, December 9, 2011

Are We Alone?

Kepler 22b
Two recent discoveries about space that can really effect our FUTURE lives have now come into the knowledge of the public. The first discovery might be one that you know. You probably know that there is a GIANT red dot in the middle of Jupiter , but do you know that there is a chance of there being life INSIDE that dot? The next discovery may seem a little unreal but, it's all true. Astronomers have discovered a NEW Earth-like planet. It's named Kepler 22b ,and just like Earth,  it circles another sun in another solar system. The planet Kepler 22b is also seems to be filled with Earth-like land and Earth-like water, which gives scientists the idea that there may be life on it. Too bad we may not be able to visit it in our lifetime because Kepler 22b is 70 million light years away. Do you believe that this is fact or fiction?

By: Manraj Singh Rai